UserTrigger Trigger

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

User triggers are custom triggers sent by the broadcast provider. They are formatted as shown following

"lKeyID Data"


Specifies the trigger identifier, whose value is defined by the content provider. This must be an integer greater than or equal to 1,000.
Specifies the trigger information. The trigger information data is parsed and used by the event handler that processes the user trigger. The format of the trigger information is defined by the broadcaster.
The trigger checksum value. For more information see, Trigger Checksum Value.


When the broadcast client receives a UserTrigger trigger, it fires a UserTrigger event, which can then be handled by scripts embedded in the enhancement page.


The following examples illustrate how you could use user-defined triggers to transmit quiz show questions and answers. The user-defined trigger data can then be parsed and used by scripts on the enhancement page.

"3001 Q:What is the capital of Florida?_A:Tallahassee"
"3001 Q:Tomatoes are which kind of plant?_A:Fruit"

The following examples use a different user-defined syntax to pass the time of day to the enhancement page. This could be used, for example, to change the background image of a enhancement to reflect the current time.

"2049 Twilight"
"2049 Morning"
"2049 Afternoon"