Transmitting Announcements

An announcement is used to initialize the enhancement on the client. It informs the client that a particular show or channel is enhanced, specifies the IP address clients can monitor to receive triggers, and provides base page information.

Your application can broadcast an announcement by calling either ipsend.SendEvent or ipsend.SendAnnouncement.

To use SendEvent, pass in the event object you want to transmit. The following example illustrates how to transmit the event stored in the EnhEvent object, e.

isend.SendEvent e

When you call SendAnnouncement, you pass in the filename of a text file that contains the announcement data. By convention, it has the extension .ann.

For information on how to create announcement files, see Creating Enhancement Announcements.

The following examples demonstrate how to transmit an announcement using ipsend.SendAnnouncement.

'Transmit the announcement stored in event e.
'(For announcements, EnhEvent.Name contains the name and 
' path of the announcement file)
isend.SendAnnouncement e.Name
'Transmit an announcement using hard-coded data.
isend.SendAnnouncement "MyAnn.ann"

If you need to rescind or delete a previously-sent announcement, your application can call ipsend.SendDeleteAnnouncement. Specify the same announcement file that you used when sending the original announcement.

'Rescind an announcement using hard-coded data.
isend.SendDeleteAnnouncement "MyAnn.ann"