[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The AttrCount property enumerates the number of microevents in the event. This property is read-only.
[ lCount = ] object.AttrCount
The microevents enumerated by AttrCount are stored in EnhEvent.Attr. Because the operation types in EnhEvent.Opcode map one-to-one with the microevents in EnhEvent.Attr, the number returned by AttrCount also enumerates the operation types stored in EnhEvent.Opcode.
If you add a new microevent by calling either EnhEvent.Opcode or EnhEvent.Attr and specifying an index equal to the value of EnhEvent.AttrCount, the value of AttrCount is automatically incremented.
Windows NT: Unsupported.
Windows: Requires Windows 98.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in stream.idl.
Import Library: Included as a resource in stream.dll.
Unicode: Yes.
EnhEvent.Attr, EnhEvent.Opcode
The following example uses AttrCount to loop through the microevents stored in Attr and write the microevent data to a file.
Open "MyFile.txt" for Output As #1
For item = 0 to (e.AttrCount - 1)
Write #1, Attr(item)
Next item
Close #1