
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The TriggerNavigate method formats and transmits a Nav trigger.


object.TriggerNavigate( sURL, sTarget)


Object expression that resolves to an ipsend object.
String that specifies the location of the enhancement page to be displayed. This location can be either a fully-specified Broadcast Architecture URL, or a location relative to the enhancement's base page.

If you are displaying a new enhancement base page, you should use a fully-specified Broadcast Architecture URL. This is because the new base typically will be located in a directory that is not a subdirectory of the old base page. In other words, you typically cannot specify a relative path to a new base page.

String that specifies the name of the target element in which to display the new content. The target element can be a set of <FRAME>, <IFRAME>, <SPAN>, or <DIV> tags. If there is no target because this is a base page navigation, specify sTarget as NULL or an empty string ("").


TriggerNavigate differs from the SendTrigger method in that it formats the trigger string based on the parameters you pass in. SendTrigger requires a pre-formatted trigger string.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ipenhsnd.idl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in ipenhsnd.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also

ipsend.TriggerCAB, ipsend.TriggerFTS, ipsend.TriggerScript, Nav Trigger, ipsend.SendTrigger, ipsend.SendEvent


The following example causes the client to display new enhancement content.

isend.TriggerNavigate "bpc://msnbc/InterNight/File1.htm", ""
isend.TriggerNavigate "MyEnh.htm", "Left"