[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The Load method loads an enhancement stream from a file into an EnhEvents collection.
object.Load( sFilename )
If there are syntax errors in the stream compiler syntax loaded from the file, these are enumerated in EnhEvents.ErrorCount. Additional information about the errors is stored in EnhEvents.ErrorList.
If you load an enhancement stream from a file without first clearing the current enhancement stream, the two streams are merged.
For example, if you had a stream with events A and B occurring at 15 and 30 seconds, and a second stream with events C and D occurring at 20 and 45 seconds, the merged stream would have events in the following order: A, C, B, and D.
Windows NT: Unsupported.
Windows: Requires Windows 98.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in stream.idl.
Import Library: Included as a resource in stream.dll.
Unicode: Yes.
EnhEvents.Store, EnhEvents.Clear
The following example loads the stream stored in the file Stream.txt into an events collection.