
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The SendTrigger method transmits a trigger to broadcast clients.


object.SendTrigger( lKey, sData )


Object expression that resolves to an ipsend object.
Long that contains the trigger identifier. For more information about trigger identifiers and format, see Enhancement Triggers.
String that contains the trigger data. The format of the data depends on the type of trigger sent.

When you call SendTrigger, it automatically calculates the trigger checksum value and appends it (and its enclosing brackets) to the end of the trigger string. Thus, you should not include a checksum value in the trigger string that you specify for sData.


Before you call this method, you must call ipsend.ConnectTrigger to establish a connection.

This method differs from the ipsend.TriggerCAB, ipsend.TriggerFTS, ipsend.TriggerNavigate, and ipsend.TriggerScript methods in that it does not format the trigger string before transmission. Your application must ensure that the string specified by sData is formatted correctly as one of the formats specified in Enhancement Triggers.

SendTrigger is the only method you can use to transmit TVCrossover or user-defined triggers.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ipenhsnd.idl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in ipenhsnd.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also

ipsend.SendFTSFile, ipsend.SendAnnouncement, Trigger Checksum Value, Enhancement Triggers, ipsend.TriggerCAB, ipsend.TriggerFTS, ipsend.TriggerNavigate, ipsend.TriggerScript, ipsend.SendEvent


The following examples use SendTrigger to transmit various types of enhancement triggers.

isend.SendFTSTrigger 1, "<CAB> bpc://msnbc/myshow/myfile.cab"
isend.SendFTSTrigger 4, "alert('You received a Script trigger!')"
isend.SendFTSTrigger 5, "<http://www.tvprogram.com>[program]"

The following example uses SendTrigger to transmit a trigger stored in a EnhEvent object, e.

isend.SendTrigger e.Trigger + e.Name