
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The FrameName property retrieves or sets the names of HTML frames. These values are stored in an array.


object.FrameName( lIndex ) [ = sName ]


Object expression that resolves to an EnhEvents object.
Long that indicates which element of the 0-based array to set or retrieve.
String that contains the name of the HTML frame.


For example, in a multiframe enhancement, you can use FrameName to store the names of the enhancement frames. Your application can then retrieve the name of a particular frame from the array, instead of explicitly referencing the frames by name.

Using the FrameName property instead of explicit frame names makes your application more portable and easier to maintain. If the names of the enhancement frames change, you will only have to update them once.


The following example uses FrameName to store the names of three HTML frames names. It then retrieves the name of the first frame to add a Nav trigger event.

'store the frame names in the array
evs.FrameName(0) = "Left"
evs.FrameName(1) = "Video"
evs.FrameName(2) = "Bottom"
evs.AddText("00:10:30:00 trigger ( 2 <NewEnh.htm>[targ:"+evs.FrameName(0)+"]") only;") 


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in stream.idl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in stream.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.