Deleting a Show Reminder
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Show reminders are deleted during the course of successful completion. When a show reminder runs, unless it is a recurring show reminder, the Task Scheduler deletes the reminder from the Tasks folder.
In addition, show reminders can also be deleted by the following:
You can delete a show reminder programmatically using either ITVViewer::DeleteReminder or by removing the item corresponding to the reminder from the IScheduledItems collection.
Invalid show reminders, those having an invalid show reference or incorrect command line syntax, are deleted automatically by Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows®.
If the show reminder is one that appears in the WebTV for Windows reminders list, you can use the WebTV for Windows user interface to delete a show reminder.
You can delete a show reminder by opening the Tasks folder, typically C:\Windows\Tasks, right-clicking the task for the reminder, and selecting Delete.
Note Reminders are scheduled as hidden tasks. Therefore, they do not appear in the Tasks folder unless you have set your viewing options to show hidden files. To do this, go to the Tasks directory, typically C:\Windows\Tasks, and type attrib
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