Show Reminder Format

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can use the following syntax to launch a show reminder, either from the command line or programmatically as a task in the Task Scheduler. If you use Microsoft® WebTV® for Windows® to create a show reminders, it sets the following parameters in the Run property of tasks that it schedules in the Task Scheduler. For more information, see Scheduling Show Reminders.

Show Reminder Syntax

The following shows the syntax for WebTV for Windows show reminders.

RemindApp /b ShowReference /u User /a MoreRemindAppParameters
Show Reminder Parameters

The following lists and describes the parameters used in show reminder syntax.

String that specifies the path and filename of reminder application on the user's machine, for example C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Tvx.exe. When the reminder runs, the RemindApp application displays the show reminder to the user.

This application can be Tvx.exe, Tvwakeup.exe, or a custom application that you create. For more information, see Show Reminder Applications.

String that contains a properly formatted show reference. For more information about the show reference format, see Show References.

You can create a show reference programmatically by calling either the ITelevisionServices::MakeLocalBroadcastSchedule or ITelevisionServices::MakeRemoteBroadcastSchedule method.

String containing the name of the user that set the reminder.
String that contains additional parameters passed to the application that displays the show reminder. If you have written a custom show reminder application, the format can be any command-line parameters implemented in the reminder application.

If you are using Tvx.exe or Tvwakeup.exe to display the show reminder, this string should be formatted as follows:


Flag value that specifies the type of reminder. The following table lists and describes the possible values for Type.
Value Meaning
Remind A reminder to watch a show. This flag causes WebTV for Windows to remind a viewer a show is on. The viewer can then tune manually to the show.
Record A reminder to record a show. This flag causes WebTV for Windows to tune to a show automatically. If the viewer sets a recording device to receive output at that time, the show is recorded.

If the reminder is a record reminder, your application should use the Task Scheduler to set the TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED flag for the reminder. Doing so causes WebTV for Windows to tune to the specified channel even if Broadcast Architecture is suspended. Otherwise, if the system is suspended WebTV for Windows does not run the record reminder.

In addition, if the record reminder has an application associated with it that automates tuning a VCR to a specified channel, this application should be specified in the registry value StartRecordingApp, EndRecordingApp, or both. You specify these values under the following registry key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services\Explorer\

TASK_FLAG_SYSTEM_REQUIRED should not be set for standard show reminders. Version 1.0 of Broadcast Architecture does not handle show reminders that occur while the operating system is suspended.

Optional parameter that specifies the length of the show, in minutes.

Your application can obtain the WebTV for Windows path information programmatically by calling the ITelevisionServices::get_DatabaseFile method to find the location of the database, which is installed in the same location as the WebTV for Windows executable file, Tvx.exe. Your application must then remove the database file name from the string that the ITelevisionServices::get_DatabaseFile method returns.

Show Reminder Examples

The following are examples of show reminder strings. This is the syntax that is set in the Run parameter of the task in the Task Scheduler. You can use this same syntax to start a show reminder from the command line.

"C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Tvx.exe" /b "1998/4/22!73/1/0
/u "GuestUser" /a "tvviewer!Remind!60!"

The following show reminder uses WebTV for Windows to remind the user that the show is about to begin. When the reminder runs, WebTV for Windows displays a dialog box.

"C:\PROGRAM FILES\TV VIEWER\TVX.EXE" /b "1998/3/13!0/0/0!23:35
!0!0!0!0!0!0!0!0!''!'MSNBC'!'Cable'!3!'Time & Again'" /u "GuestUser"
/a "tvviewer!Remind!30!"

The following show reminder is identical to the one preceding, except that it has been set as a record reminder. Notice that keyword Remind has been replaced by Record and that the application used to display the reminder is Tvwakeup.exe instead of Tvx.exe.

"C:\PROGRAM FILES\TV VIEWER\TVWAKEUP.EXE" /b "1998/3/13!0/0/0!23:35
!0!0!0!0!0!0!0!0!''!'MSNBC'!'Cable'!4!'Time & Again'" /u "GuestUser"
/a "tvviewer!Record!30!"