[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The Item method returns for a show reminder the show reference, the application to start, the working directory, the interval before the show that advance notification should occur, and any optional command-line parameters.
BSTR Index, // in
BSTR * User, // out
BSTR * ShowReference, // out
BSTR * Application, // out
BSTR * Directory, // out
long * AdvanceMinutes, // out
BSTR * Parameters, // out
VARIANT * Task // out
Your application can get the path to the broadcast client's installation of WebTV for Windows by calling ITelevisionServices::get_DatabaseFile and stripping Tss.mdb off the end of the returned string. This path is also stored in this registry entry:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services\ProductDir
For example, if you are using a custom application to display the reminder to the user, and this application has three styles of reminder dialog boxes, Parameters could be used to specify the reminder style.
For a list of the parameters used with the WebTV for Windows reminder application, Tvx.exe, see the description of WebTVforWindowsParameters in Show Reminder Format.
Returns an HRESULT indicating success or failure. If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an error code. For specific error codes, see the Winerror.h and Dbdaoerr.h header files. To locate more information about Winerror.h and Dbdaoerr.h, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client.
The Task parameter is returned as a VARIANT instead of as a Task object to enable Visual Basic programmers to safely use the IScheduledItems::Item method. Visual Basic cannot access the ITask interface; if Item did not return the Task object as a VARIANT, Visual Basic programmers could not correctly release the object.
If you are programming in C++, simply cast the VARIANT to an ITask interface variable.
If you are programming in Visual Basic, you should create a variable of type Variant and pass it as the Task parameter. Do not use this variable after you call Item. When the variable goes out of scope, Visual Basic releases the Task object it references. It is recommended that you declare the Variant variable as local in a function that calls the Item method. Such a declaration causes the Task object to be released quickly.
To locate more information on ITask and VARIANT, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client.
Windows NT: Unsupported.
Windows: Requires Windows 98.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in tssadmin.odl.
Import Library: Included as a resource in tssadmin.dll.
Unicode: Yes.
IScheduledItems::get__NewEnum, IScheduledItems::get_Count