
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The methods of the IScheduledItems interface manipulate the ScheduledItems collection, which enumerates the currently scheduled show reminders. For more information on working with show reminders, see Show Reminders.

When to Implement

You do not need to implement this interface. It is implemented in the Tssadmin.dll library.

When to Use

Call the methods of IScheduledItems to retrieve, delete, or set show reminders.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IScheduledItems methods Description
Item Returns for a show reminder the specified show reference, the application to start, the working directory, the interval before the show that advance notification should occur, and any optional command-line parameters.
get_Count Returns the number of currently scheduled reminders in the collection.
Add Schedules one or more broadcasts.
Remove Deletes a scheduled show reminder.
AddFromQuery Schedules reminders for all of the television shows in the result set of the specified query definition.
get__NewEnum Returns an reference to an enumerator that iterates through a list of the scheduled reminders.


The ScheduledItems collection is part of the Television System Services (TSS) object library, Tssadmin.dll. ScheduledItems contains the scheduled show reminders. IScheduledItems has the usual methods of a collection interface: get_Count, get__NewEnum, and Item. The indices into the collection are strings that are the file names of tasks in Task Scheduler, a component of the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system. TSS uses Task Scheduler for all scheduling. Your application obtains a reference to the ScheduledItems collection by using the ITelevisionServices::get_ScheduledItems method.

IScheduledItems is derived from the IDispatch interface. To locate more information on IDispatch, a COM interface, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in tssadmin.odl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in tssadmin.dll.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also
