
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The OnIdle method advises that idle-time processing is available.



Pointer to a boolean that contains the idle information. This can contain one of the following values.
Value Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE The object needs additional idle processing time.
VARIANT_FALSE The object does not additional idle processing time.

Return Values

WebTV for Windows ignores the value returned by this method.


WebTV for Windows calls OnIdle when it receives an on idle message from the operating system. Calling OnIdle enables registered controls to perform idle-time processing.

When the operating system has idle time available, it calls the OnIdle method for the main windows of the running applications. If an application indicates it needs more idle time by setting *pbIdle to VARIANT_TRUE, the system calls the OnIdle method for that application again during the next idle loop. Otherwise, the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system does not call OnIdle for that application until after the application processes another normal message.

When the system calls the WebTV for Windows implementation of OnIdle, it in turn calls the ITVControl::OnIdle method implemented by any registered sinks. If your application sets *pbIdle to VARIANT_TRUE, indicating that it needs additional idle time processing, WebTV for Windows passes this value to the operating system. Passing this value causes all controls registered with WebTV for Windows to get another OnIdle call during the next system idle loop. The frequency of idle calls depends on system activity.

For more information about idle processes, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in tvdisp.odl.
  Import Library: User-defined.
  Unicode: Yes.