
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IEPGEpisode interface enables applications such as WebTV for Windows to retrieve data from an episode object.

When to Implement

Implement IEPGEpisode in objects that wrap episode records in the Guide database.

When to Use

You can call the methods of IEPGEpisode to retrieve episode field data from the object.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces
AddRef Increments reference count
Release Decrements reference count

IEPGEpisode Description
TimeSlotID Gets the time-slot identifier. This value maps to the starting and ending time of the episode.
ChannelID Gets the channel identifier.
EpisodeID Gets the episode identifier.
PayPerView Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the episode is pay-per-view.
RatingID Gets the rating identifier.
CallLetters Retrieves the call letters of the station.
IsRemindItem Returns a value indicating whether a show reminder is set for the episode.
IsRecordItem Returns a value indicating whether a record reminder is set for the episode.
Repetition Counts the number of times that the episode appears in the Guide database.
RemindRecordIdx Returns an index into the cache of show reminders in WebTV for Windows. This method is only valid for episodes for which the IsRemindItem or IsRecordItem method returns VARIANT_TRUE.
IsContinuous Returns a value indicating whether the episode is continuous, in other words whether there is a single on-going episode for the channel.
IsOnLater Returns a value indicating whether the episode is on later.
IsOnSoon Returns a value indicating whether the episode is on within the next five minutes.
ThemeID Gets the episode's theme identifier.
AbbreviatedTitle Gets the abbreviated version of the episode title.
HasEnhancement Gets a value indicating whether the episode has enhancements.
Layout Gets the enhancement layout information.


The IEPGEpisode interface enables applications such as WebTV for Windows to retrieve data from an episode object. An episode object is one that wraps the data of an episode record in the Guide database. IEPGEpisode inherits from the IEPGItem interface. IEPGItem must be implemented in episode objects passed to WebTV for Windows.

WebTV for Windows creates its own episode objects and initializes them with data from the Guide database. For example, WebTV for Windows can query the Guide database to open a recordset of all the episodes that have "great" in the title. For each record in the recordset, WebTV for Windows creates an episode object, initializing its values to the record's field values.

Pointers to IEPGEpisode interfaces are passed as parameters to the ITVViewer::SetReminder and ITVViewer::HasEnhancement methods. To use these methods, your application must implement an episode object that supports IEPGEpisode.

WebTV for Windows returns an IEPGEpisode pointer when it calls the ITVControl::EpisodeStatusChanged method.

For more information on the methods that IEPGEpisode contains but that are reserved for future use, see Reserved Methods in IEPGEpisode.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Import Library: User-defined.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also