Using ITVViewer to Schedule a Show Reminder

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Your application can create a show reminder in the Task Scheduler in the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system by calling the ITVViewer::SetReminder method. Calling SetReminder provides your application the same functionality that WebTV for Windows uses to set a show reminder.

There are three advantages to calling SetReminder, instead of using the alternative procedure described in Using IScheduledItems to Schedule a Show Reminder:

    To set a show reminder using ITVViewer
  1. Obtain a pointer to an ITVViewer interface by getting a reference to an active instance of WebTV for Windows.
  2. Create an EPGEpisode object and set its values. For more information on doing so, see the IEPGEpisode interface topic.
  3. Call the ITVViewer::SetReminder method to set a reminder in the Task Scheduler.

Your application can delete a show reminder by using the ITVViewer::DeleteReminder method. For more information on the tasks involved in creating show reminders, see Scheduling Show Reminders.