Starting WebTV for Windows from the Command Line

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following command line syntax starts WebTV for Windows. If WebTV for Windows is already running, this command does nothing.

You can also specify the channel that WebTV for Windows tunes to when it starts; for more information, see Tuning WebTV for Windows from the Command Line.

path Tvx.exe

where path is the path to the WebTV for Windows directory, typically C:\Program Files\TV Viewer. The location of this directory is stored in the ProductDir value under this registry key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services

If you are running the command line from the WebTV for Windows directory, you do not need to specify the path.


Both of the following command lines start WebTV for Windows. Note that the second example assumes that you are running the command line from the WebTV for Windows directory.

C:\Program Files\TV Viewer\Tvx.exe 