
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The PowerChange method advises that broadcast client is turning on or turning off.

HRESULT PowerChange(
  VARIANT_BOOL bPowerOn,  


Boolean value that specifies whether the power is turning on or off, which can be one of the following.
Value Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE The system power is turning on.
VARIANT_FALSE The system power is turning off.

Boolean value that specifies whether the control can present a user interface to the viewer. For example, when power is shut off, a control might query the user whether it should save data to disk. This value can be one of the following.
Value Meaning
VARIANT_TRUE The control can present a user interface.
VARIANT_FALSE The control cannot present a user interface.

Return Values

If the power is turning on, WebTV for Windows ignores the return value.

If the power is turning off, your control should return one of the following values.

Value Meaning
S_OK The system can power off.
S_FALSE The system should not power off. If the bUIAllowed parameter is VARIANT_FALSE, the system does not honor the control's request for power to stay on.


WebTV for Windows calls this method when the power status of the system changes.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in tvdisp.odl.
  Import Library: User-defined.
  Unicode: Yes.