
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The ITVViewer interface provides methods that your application can use to programmatically control an instance of WebTV for Windows.

When to Implement

You do not need to implement this interface. It is implemented by WebTV for Windows as the primary dispatch interface.

When to Use

Your application can use this interface to call methods that programmatically control an instance of WebTV for Windows.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces
AddRef Increments reference count
Release Decrements reference count

ITVViewer Description
SetTVMode Sets WebTV for Windows to either television or desktop display mode.
IsTVMode Returns a value indicating the display mode that WebTV for Windows is currently using.
IsChannelBarUp Returns a value indicating whether the TV banner is currently displayed.
IsModalDialogUp Returns a value indicating whether a modal dialog box is currently displayed.
IsLoaderActive Returns a value indicating whether a Guide database loader is running.
GlobalStartTime Returns the earliest start time of any episode listed in the Guide database.
GlobalEndTime Returns latest end time of any episode listed in the Guide database.
WantKeys Sets whether WebTV for Windows control traps keystrokes or passes them through to the focus window.
Tune Tunes WebTV for Windows to the specified channel and tuning space.
GetCurrentTuningInfo Returns information about the channel to which WebTV for Windows is currently tuned.
GetPreviousTuningInfo    Returns information about the last channel to which WebTV for Windows was tuned.   
SetReminder Sets a show reminder in the Task Scheduler for the specified episode.
HasReminder Returns a value that indicates whether a reminder is set for the specified episode.
DeleteReminder Deletes a reminder for the specified episode.
HasEnhancement Returns a value that indicates whether the specified episode has enhancements.
IsCC Returns a value that indicates whether the broadcast has closed captioning.


Because WebTV for Windows does not support the IClassFactory COM interface, you cannot create a new instance of WebTV for Windows. Instead, you must acquire a pointer to a running instance. For more information on how to do this, see Getting a Pointer to WebTV for Windows.

ITVViewer is derived from the IDispatch interface. To locate more information on IDispatch, a Component Object Model (COM) interface, see Further Information on Television Services for the Client.

For more information on the methods that ITVViewer contains but that are reserved for future use, see Reserved Methods in ITVViewer.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in tvdisp.odl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in tvx.exe.
  Unicode: Yes.

See Also
