
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The SyncEvent method advises that a synchronization event has occurred.

HRESULT SyncEvent(
  int iEvent,  
  BSTR pParm1, 
  BSTR pParm2  


WebTV for Windows event that occurred, which can be any of the following.
Event Description
keCurrentViewerChannelListChange A current viewer's channel lineup has changed. Controls should refresh any cached channel information.
EPGLDR_ACTIVE_COMMIT_ENDING A Guide database loader has finished committing data to the database. Controls can now access the database and should refresh any cached data.
EPGLDR_ACTIVE_COMMIT_STARTING A Guide database loader has begun to commit changes to the database. Controls should not access the database until the keEpgLdrActiveCommitEnding event is sent.
EPGLDR_ENDING A Guide database loader has stopped running.
EPGLDR_PASSIVE_COMMIT_ENDING A Guide database loader has finished committing data to the database. Controls can now access the database but do not need to refresh any cached data.
EPGLDR_PASSIVE_COMMIT_STARTING A Guide database loader has begun to commit data to the database. Controls should not access the database until the keEpgLdrPassiveCommitEnding event is sent.
EPGLDR_STARTING A Guide database loader has begun running. Controls can still access data in the database.
keSysTimeChange The system time has been updated.
keTimeRangeChange The range of time displayed in the electronic program guide has changed outside of a loader update operation.

Controls that cache program guide information should refresh their data when they receive this event. Note that this event is not sent as part of a loader update operation. Controls that receive a loader update event should not wait for a keTimeRangeChange event to refresh their data.

keViewerChange Reserved.
keViewerLogin Reserved.

Note  Note that the loader events, those that start with EPGLDR_ are defined in Epgldrx.h.

New viewer name, if a keViewerChange event has been sent. Other events do not use this parameter.
New viewer password, if a keViewerChange event has been sent. Other events do not use this parameter.

Return Values

WebTV for Windows ignores the value returned by this method.


WebTV for Windows calls this method when a WebTV for Windows event occurs, as described in the table preceding.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in tvdisp.odl.
  Import Library: User-defined.
  Unicode: Yes.