BPCVid Events

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The DBPCVidEvents interface is implemented on the BPCVid object and is used to send event notifications to the application or container hosting the Video control.

The following events are sent by the Video control.

Event Description
Click A user clicked in the control.
DblClick A user double-clicked in the control.
Error An error has occurred in the control or in the control's input or output device.
ErrorMessage    An error has occurred. This event is not implemented.
GotControl The control receiving this notification has requested a device and now has the highest priority for that device.
KeyDown The user pushed a key down.
KeyPress The user pressed a key.
KeyUp The user released a key.
LostControl An application with higher priority than the current application requested the control's input or output device. The instance of the Video control receiving this event must release the device.
MouseDown The user clicked a mouse button over the Video control.
MouseMove The user moved the mouse over the Video control.
MouseUp The user has released a mouse button over the Video control.
Power The video access server received a Windows power-management event.
StateChange A device's state changed.