Registry Entries for the Video Control

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Video control and Video Server use the following registry keys to store information. These values are stored in subkeys of this registry key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services\

Name Data Type Description
"AudioPin" String Specifies that the video server should use a different pin name than the default. For example "CD/Aux".
"VBITS" REG_DWORD Default VBI tuning space.
"VBIChan" REG_DWORD Default VBI channel.
TuningSpaces\"OverScanPct" DWORD The overscan percentage.

The tuning space information for each device is stored in the registry under a key named HKLM\Software\Microsoft\TV Services\TuningSpaces\<N>\, where <N> is the tuning space number.

Note  Tuning space numbers are assigned sequentially as devices are installed. Because of this, the tuning space number for a device may change between installations. To get the tuning space number associated with a particular tuning space, call ITelevisionServices::TuningSpaceNumberFromName.

Name Data Type Description
"AMFClass" String GUID representing the Microsoft® DirectShow™ filter class for the devices that can tune this tuning space.

A device sets either this key or AMFCategory. For more information see the note at the end of this table.

"Description" String Description of the tuning space.
"Devices" String This key is not currently in use.
"InputType" Binary For analog tuners, this is the value set for the tuner input type. In other words, the value passed to IAMTVTuner::put_InputType.
"Loader" String Specifies the loader that retrieves programming guide information for this tuning space. This value points to the appropriate loader in the loaders section of the registry.
"MaxChannel" Binary The highest channel number supported by this tuning space.
"MediaType" Binary The configure auxpin for the appropriate video type.
"MinChannel" Binary The lowest channel number supported by this tuning space.
"Name" String The name of the tuning space.
"AMFCategory" String GUID of the auxpin DirectShow Filter category for devices which can tune to this tuning space.

A device sets either this key or AMFClass. For more information see the note at the end of this table.

"PinName" String Name of the pin on the crossbar.
"PinType" String Type of pin on the crossbar.

Note  AMFCategory and AMFClass are mutually exclusive. If the tuner device is an old-style ring-3 filter that cannot be created from a device enumerator, it uses AMFClass. If the tuner device is a new ring-3 filter that can be enumerated from the DirectShow device enumerator or if it is a ring-0 Windows Driver Model (WDM)-proxied driver, it uses AMFCategory.

To locate additional information about DirectShow, IAMTVTuner and WDM, see Further General Information.