[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Because the Video control is an ActiveX control, it cannot exist outside of a container application. Examples of containers are Visual Basic forms, application windows, and HTML pages displayed by a Web browser.
When you use an ActiveX control, such as the Video control, in a Visual Basic application, the Visual Basic environment extends the control's functionality using an Extender object.
The Extender object enables programmers to easily access and manipulate a control's interaction with the container. It also provides standard container functionality, such as sending an event when a user clicks on the control and setting whether the control is visible.
The Extender object is part of the Visual Basic container, not the control. The Visual Basic container, however, exposes the properties, methods, and events of the Extender object as if they were part of the control. Some Extender object properties are standard; others are specific to certain containers.
The following tables list and describe the Extender object and Visual Basic–specific properties, methods, and events. The properties are as follows.
Property | Description |
Container | Read only object that represents the visual container of the control. Returns or sets the container of a control on a Form. |
DragIcon | Picture that specifies the icon to use when the control is dragged. |
DragMode | Integer that specifies if the control automatically drags, or if the application using the control must call the Drag method. |
Enabled | Boolean value that specifies whether the control is enabled. |
Height | Integer that specifies the height of the control in the container's scale units. |
HelpContextID | Integer that specifies the context identifier to use when the F1 key is pressed and the control has the focus. |
Index | Integer that specifies the position in a control array this instance of the control occupies. |
Left | Integer that specifies the position of the left edge of the control relative to the left edge of the container, specified in the container's scale units. |
Name | String that contains the user-defined name of the control. |
Parent | Read only object that represents the container of the control, such as a form in Visual Basic. Returns the form, object, or collection that contains a control or another object or collection. Use the Parent property to access the properties, methods, or controls of an object's parent. |
TabIndex | Integer that specifies the position of the control in the tab order of the controls in the container. |
TabStop | Boolean value that specifies if the tab stops on the control. |
Tag | String that contains a user-defined value. |
ToolTipText | String that contains the text to be displayed when the cursor hovers above the control for more than a second. |
Top | Integer that specifies the position of the upper edge of the control relative to the upper edge of the container, specified in the container's scale units. |
Visible | Boolean value that specifies whether the control is visible. |
WhatThisHelpID | Context identifier to use when the "What's This" pop-up is used to provide information on the control. |
Width | Width of the control in the container's scale units. |
Note The Container and Parent properties are similar. However, Parent is part of the standard set of Extender object properties, and Container is part of an additional set of properties that are not available for all containers.
The Extender object methods and Visual Basic–specific extender methods are listed following.
Method | Description |
Drag | Begins, ends, or cancels an operation in which the control is dragged. |
ShowWhatsThis | Displays a selected topic in a Help file using the "What's This" pop-up provided by Help. |
Move | Moves the position of the control. |
ZOrder | Places the control at the front or back of the z-order within its graphical level. |
SetFocus | Sets the focus to the control. |
The Extender object events and Visual Basic–specific extender events are listed following.
Event | Description |
DragDrop | Occurs when another control on the form is dropped on this control. |
LostFocus | Occurs when the control loses focus. |
DragOver | Occurs when another control on the form is dragged over this control. |
GotFocus | Occurs when the control gets focus |
To locate more information about the methods, properties, and events of the Extender object, see Further Information on Streaming Video Services for the Client.