[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The HWnd property contains a reference to the window hosting the Video control. This property is read-only.


[Hwnd = ] object.HWnd 


Object expression that resolves to a BPCVid object.
An OLE_HANDLE that receives the handle of the host window.


Windows identifies each form and control in an application by assigning it a handle, or HWnd. The HWnd property is used with Microsoft® Win32® API calls, most often as a parameter.

Because Windows may change the value of HWnd, your application must not change the HWnd value or store it in a variable. To locate more information on using HWnd, see Further Information on Streaming Video Services for the Client.

This property is not stored locally in the BPCVid object; instead, it is passed to the restricted property in the corresponding BPCDevices object. You set this property, however, using BPCVid. This ensures that the Video control is properly updated.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in vidsvr.odl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in vid.ocx.
  Unicode: Yes.