Adding the Video Control to a Web Page

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can add the Video control to Web pages. To do this, insert the control using an <OBJECT> tag such as the following:

  ID = vid
  CLASSID = "clsid:31263EC0-2957-11CF-A1E5-00AA9EC79700"
  BORDER = 0
  VSPACE = 0
  HSPACE = 0
  HEIGHT = 100%
  WIDTH = 100%

Note  In the preceding object tag, you can change the value of any parameter except CLASSID. The CLASSID value must appear exactly as shown.

Once you have added the control to the HTML page, you can access its methods and properties from script or other controls embedded in the HTML page. For example, the following Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) sets the input channel for an instance of the Video control named vid.

Dim MyChannel = 12
For Each Device In vid.Devices
  If vid.Input.HasChannel Then
    If Device.ChannelAvailable(MyChannel)
      vid.Input = Device
      vid.Input.Channel = MyChannel
      Exit For
    End If
  End If

The software included with the Broadcast Architecture Programmer's Reference includes a sample HTML application, WebTune, that uses the Video control. For more information about this sample, see Broadcast Architecture Sample Applications.