
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Tune method tunes the current input device to the specified channel.


object.Tune(lTuningSpace, lChannel, lVideoSubchannel, lAudioSubchannel)


Object expression that resolves to a BPCVid object.
A Long that specifies the tuning space identifier. This identifier is the same value as that specified in the Guide database.
A Long that specifies the channel number.
A Long that specifies the video subchannel.
A Long that specifies the audio subchannel.


You can use either BPCVid.Tune method or BPCVid.Input.Channel property to set the channel displayed by the Video control. If you are simply trying to tune the Video control to a particular channel and do not care which device provides the channel you can use the Tune method. This method automatically sets BPCVid.Input to the appropriate device, as identified by ITuningSpace. However, if it is important that your application set the Input property to a particular device, you can use the BPCVid.Input.Channel syntax.

This method is implemented in the BPCVid object as a wrapper for the equivalent restricted method in the BPCDevices object. Applications should access this method through BPCVid.


  Windows NT: Unsupported.
  Windows: Requires Windows 98.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in vidsvr.odl.
  Import Library: Included as a resource in vid.ocx.
  Unicode: Yes.