// bpcbase.h: Defines the CBPCDeviceBase class  
// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation 
// All rights reserved. 
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the 
// Broadcast Architecture Programmer's Reference. 
// For detailed information regarding Broadcast 
// Architecture, see the reference. 
#if !defined(AFX_BPCDEVICEBASE_H__4E088A12_0E75_11D1_A073_00A0C9054174__INCLUDED_) 
#define AFX_BPCDEVICEBASE_H__4E088A12_0E75_11D1_A073_00A0C9054174__INCLUDED_ 
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000 
#pragma once 
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 
// Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created by Microsoft Visual C++ 
// NOTE: Do not modify the contents of this file.  If this class is regenerated by 
//  Microsoft Visual C++, your modifications will be overwritten. 
// CBPCDeviceBase wrapper class 
class CBPCDeviceBase : public COleDispatchDriver 
CBPCDeviceBase() {}// Calls COleDispatchDriver default constructor 
CBPCDeviceBase(LPDISPATCH pDispatch) : COleDispatchDriver(pDispatch) {} 
CBPCDeviceBase(const CBPCDeviceBase& dispatchSrc) : COleDispatchDriver(dispatchSrc) {} 
// Attributes 
// Operations 
CString GetName(); 
BOOL GetHasFilename(); 
BOOL GetHasCA(); 
BOOL GetIsInput(); 
BOOL GetIsOutput(); 
BOOL GetHasChannel(); 
long GetStatus(); 
CString GetProdName(); 
CString GetFileName(); 
void SetFileName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue); 
long GetChannel(); 
void SetChannel(long nNewValue); 
BOOL GetChannelAvailable(long nChannel); 
long GetImageSourceWidth(); 
long GetImageSourceHeight(); 
long GetCurrentState(); 
double GetCurrentPosition(); 
void SetCurrentPosition(double newValue); 
double GetDuration(); 
double GetPrerollTime(); 
void SetPrerollTime(double newValue); 
double GetRate(); 
void SetRate(double newValue); 
long GetCountryCode(); 
void SetCountryCode(long nNewValue); 
long GetVideoFrequency(); 
long GetAudioFrequency(); 
long GetDefaultVideoType(); 
void SetDefaultVideoType(long nNewValue); 
long GetDefaultAudioType(); 
void SetDefaultAudioType(long nNewValue); 
long GetVideoSubchannel(); 
void SetVideoSubchannel(long nNewValue); 
long GetAudioSubchannel(); 
void SetAudioSubchannel(long nNewValue); 
void SetVolume(long nNewValue); 
long GetVolume(); 
void SetBalance(long nNewValue); 
long GetBalance(); 
void SetPower(BOOL bNewValue); 
BOOL GetPower(); 
void SetOverScan(long nNewValue); 
long GetOverScan(); 
long GetProviderRating(); 
BOOL GetProviderStatus(); 
long GetProviderEPGMask(); 
LPDISPATCH GetHistoryItems(); 
LPDISPATCH GetEmailMessages(); 
CString GetUserName_(); 
void SetUserName(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue); 
CString GetUserArea(); 
void SetUserArea(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue); 
LPDISPATCH GetItemDetails(long Priority, LPDISPATCH pInDetails); 
long Command(long nCommand); 
void Run(); 
void Pause(); 
void Stop(); 
void Refresh(); 
void ResetProviderSystem(); 
LPDISPATCH BuyItem(long Priority, LPDISPATCH pInDetails); 
void DisplayConfigDialog(); 
void HandleCardChaining(BOOL fOK); 
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. 
#endif // !defined(AFX_BPCDEVICEBASE_H__4E088A12_0E75_11D1_A073_00A0C9054174__INCLUDED_)