[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
In the Enhancement Stream language, a trigger is expressed in either of the following ways:
trigger ( integer "string-argument1" [ "string-argument2" ] )
trigger integer "arguments"
In the first form of the statement, the arguments to trigger are contained within parentheses. The first argument is the trigger-type integer, and the remaining arguments are quoted strings representing additional arguments. The number and meaning of these arguments depend on the trigger type, for example:
before 00:10:30.00 trigger (3 "Left" "Left_07.htm");
In the second statement, arguments is a single string which may contain non-printable characters in the form of escape sequences. The tab character is used to separate the fields required by that type of trigger. For example, the above statement could also be written as
before 00:10:30.00 trigger 3 "Leftt\Left_07.htm";
The character combination "\t" is an escape sequence which represents the tab character.