[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Reserved variables define the general broadcast characteristics of your interactive show.
For more information, click on the reserved variable of choice.
Bandwidth Bandwidth in bps (bits per second) that is available for the enhancements and events.
FPS Frames per second.
FrameName The names of the interactive show's frames, as defined by the frameset tag residing in the show's main HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) page.
HRef Used to specify that you want HREFs (hypertext references) within an asset to be downloaded as dependencies of that asset.
LeadTime Number of seconds between complete transmission of a file and a trigger that depends upon it.
Overhead A fixed number of bytes you want reserved from your bandwidth for downloading files.
Redundancy Allows for the correcting of errors that might occur in the course of a file transferring to the viewer's computer using the FTS (File Transfer Service) protocol.
ShowLength The length of the interactive show in hours, minutes, and frames.
ShowName Used to name the directory on the viewer's computer where an interactive show is broadcast.
Timeout Default time after which any files downloaded will be deleted from the viewer's computer.
Title Used to distinguish one version of an interactive show from another version, as distinguished by say, language, or level of enhancements.