
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.] 

To specify the names of frames for an interactive show, use the reserved variable, FrameName.

If your interactive show makes use of frames, you will want to set up your stream script such that it recognizes the frames of the show.


FrameName(x) = "name" ;

where x is an integer, the value for the first frame being 0 (zero), and where name is the name of the frame as defined within the Frameset tags, in the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) file where the frames are defined.

Note   The name must be enclosed in quotes.


In this example, three frames are defined:

FrameName(0) = "Side";
FrameName(1) = "Main";
FrameName(2) = "MenuBar";

These frame names would need to correspond to the name parameters of the Frameset tag, which resides in the HTML file where the frames are defined. For example, the Frameset tag in the HTML file might look something like this.

<frameset cols="100%" rows="*,100">
     <frameset cols="250,*">
          <frame name="Side" src="quiz01.htm" scrolling="auto" marginwidth=0>
          <frame name="Main" src="video.htm" scrolling="auto">
     <frame name="MenuBar" src="menu01.htm" scrolling="auto">