[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
To specify the title of an interactive show, use the reserved variable, Title.
In the event that you have created multiple enhancement streams that the viewer can choose from, the title gives you a means of distinguishing one enhancement stream from another.
You might choose to design a single interactive show to be produced in a number of different versions. These versions might be based on language, where you have produced the same show in English and Spanish. Or you might provide varying levels of enhancements and advertise three levels of the same show: basic, advanced, and premium. All of these would be variations of the same show, which you have scheduled to broadcast at 8:00pm, July 22nd. Which version the viewer sees is up to the viewer.
Each version of the show would have its own stream script. What would make one stream script different from another would be the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and assets it uses, and perhaps the events that it fires. You further distinguish one stream script from another by using the Title parameter.
The title you set for the stream script should correspond to the title set in the announcement, for when a viewer receives an announcement and subscribes to your show, the show title that the viewer will see in the Microsoft® Windows® Program Guide will be the title included with the announcement. The Announcement parameter for a show's title is
s = showtitle
Title = "text" ;
where text is the name you want to appear for the title.
Note The value of text must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Title = "The Vanishing Serengeti - Premium";