Data Downloads

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.] 

A data download is an event in which the stream script sends instructions to have whatever file or files you specify broadcast to the viewer's computer. Once there, the files can be triggered to display, or be used for whatever purposes they were designed for.


keyword1 timestamp datafile keyword2 ;


is an optional parameter, such as now or before. For more information, see Keywords Syntax.
is an optional parameter indicating, in an acceptable time format, the point in the show when the event will take place. For more information, see Time Syntax.
is the name of the file.
is an optional parameter, such as only, or repeat x until y. For more information, see Keywords Syntax.


A data download event statement can be combined with keywords and other Enhancement Stream language conventions to give greater detail to how you want the download to behave. For instance, to have a data file download before a certain point in the interactive show, you would use the keyword before.

before 00:04:32.60 Rhineland.htm ;

Furthermore, you can have a file download repeatedly over the course of the show. This is useful in the case of a live broadcast where certain information is periodically updated. In this example, the file tally.htm is rebroadcast every 2 minutes until the end of the show.

before 00:03:48.10 tally.htm repeat 00:02:00:00 until 00:30:00:00;