Folder Identifier: Alternative Method

    To obtain the identifier of a folder
  1. Move into the public folders to the parent of the folder that you are looking for (so that the discussion folder is visible in the list of subfolders); examine the source HTML of the subfolders frame; and locate the identifier corresponding to the target folder. In the following sample of the HTML source, the identifier is shown in bold:
    <tr bgcolor=FFFFFF valign="top" align="left">
    <td WIDTH=16>&nbsp;</td><td><FONT COLOR=000000 SIZE=2>
    <IMG BORDER=0 hspace=0 SRC='folder.gif' ALT='Folder' WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16>
    <A HREF='Javascript:parent.SetNewFolderPick(" 000000001A447390AA6611CD9BC800AA002FC45A0300746FC765786ED011902900AA00A71AE30000000069F00000")'>a folder</A>
  2. Carefully copy this folder identifier number and paste it into the root.asp (or root.htm) file after the word folderID=, as shown here:
    <FRAME SRC="discroot.asp?folderID=000000001A447390AA6611CD9BC800AA002FC45A0300746FC765786ED011902900AA00A71AE30000000069F00000" name="ExchangeDiscussion_fr" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 >