Other Functions in logon.inc


The NoSession function is called when the CDO session cannot be found. It either creates a session or gets more information from the user. It returns only if the session was created.

In NoSession, first the GetConfig function is called to find the Microsoft® Exchange server and a Microsoft Exchange mailbox that respond to the valid Microsoft® Windows NT® account.


The ReportError function prepares an error text string and sends it to the browser.


The GetConfig function finds a server and mailbox name to log in with. If necessary, this function returns a form to the user requesting the information.

GetConfig uses a query string, which contains parameters on the URL that will be used by CheckAMSession within logon.inc. An example query string is the text that follows the question mark in the following expression:


If a query string is present in the URL, the two values within it are returned. If one of the values is blank, HTML text is sent to the user requesting either of both of them.

Tip By replacing this subroutine, you can use hard-coded data or retrieve the server and mailbox names from another source, such as a database.