Installation and Use

These samples are available from the Microsoft Exchange Application Farm on the World Wide Web. This site will also contain any upgrades to these samples and any new samples as they are written.

    To install a sample from the Web
  1. Connect to the Microsoft Exchange Application Farm site at
  2. Under Active Server Applications, click an application to download, such as Authenticated Logon.
  3. Click the hyperlink labeled Click here to download …
  4. In the Internet Explorer dialog box that warns about viruses, click Save it to disk.
  5. In the Save As dialog box, move to a folder into which you want to download the sample application, and click Save. (If the desired folder does not exist, you can start Microsoft® Windows NT® Explorer and create the folder now.)
  6. Using Microsoft Windows NT Explorer, find the folder where the application was saved. Double-click the .exe file in this folder (such as authenticated.exe). This .exe file self-extracts, populating the folder with the application's files.
  7. Now, follow the installation instructions for the particular sample application (see the following section, Installation Instructions: Compact Disk). These instructions describe creating a folder (and possibly, subfolders) on your Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS) computer, making the top folder a virtual root, and changing its permissions to make the application available through a URL.

After you have completed these steps, you and others can run the application using a Web browser such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

Installation Instructions: Compact Disk

You can also install some of these sample applications and wizards from distribution compact disks. The description of each sample contains a section detailing specific compact disk installation instructions. These sections also provide information on preparing your computer before installation.