MeetingResponseStatus Property (AppointmentItem Object)

The MeetingResponseStatus property returns or sets the overall status of this appointment for this messaging user. Read/write.



Data Type



You turn an appointment into a meeting by setting its MeetingStatus property to CdoMeeting and sending it to one or more recipients. Their responses to your meeting request come back to you in the form of MeetingItem objects with the MeetingType property set to CdoMeetingResponse. You can call GetAssociatedAppointment on each meeting response and read the returned appointment's MeetingResponseStatus property to find out the response of that individual recipient.

The MeetingResponseStatus property can have exactly one of the following values:


CdoResponseNone 0 Used by Microsoft® Outlook™ to indicate that this messaging user has not responded to the meeting request.
CdoResponseNotResponded 5 This messaging user has not responded to the meeting request.
CdoResponseAccepted 3 This messaging user has responded to the meeting request with a firm acceptance.
CdoResponseDeclined 4 This messaging user has responded to the meeting request with a declination.
CdoResponseTentative 2 This messaging user has responded to the meeting request with a tentative acceptance.
CdoResponseOrganized 1 Used by Microsoft® Schedule+ to indicate that this messaging user has not responded to the meeting request.

You can get the meeting status for each Recipient object from its MeetingResponseStatus property.

Changes you make to properties on an AppointmentItem object take effect when you call the Send or Update method.