Respond Method (AppointmentItem Object)

The Respond method returns a MeetingItem object for responding to a meeting request for an appointment.


Set objMeetResp = objAppointment.Respond(RespondType)

Object. On successful return, contains a MeetingItem object that can be used to respond to the meeting request.
Required. An AppointmentItem object returned by the GetAssociatedAppointment method of a MeetingItem object.
Required. Long. The value to send as the response.


The Respond method prepares a meeting response which can be sent in answer to a meeting request using the Send method. The MeetingItem object has as a primary recipient the messaging user that created the requesting MeetingItem object from this appointment. The initiating user is available through the Organizer property.

The RespondType parameter can have exactly one of the following values:

RespondType setting

CdoResponseAccepted 3 This messaging user wishes to firmly accept the meeting request.
CdoResponseDeclined 4 This messaging user wishes to decline the meeting request.
CdoResponseTentative 2 This messaging user wishes to tentatively accept the meeting request.

The message class of the response you send depends on the value you specify in the RespondType parameter. It is IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos if you accept, IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg if you decline, or IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent if you accept tentatively.

The only AppointmentItem objects on which you can call the Respond method are those returned by the GetAssociatedAppointment method of a MeetingItem object. An attempt to call Respond on any other AppointmentItem object returns CdoE_NO_SUPPORT.

You cannot call Respond on a meeting cancellation, that is, a meeting request with CdoMeetingCanceled in its associated appointment's MeetingStatus property.

Calling GetAssociatedAppointment on the MeetingItem object and then calling the appointment's Respond method is the same as calling the Respond method directly on the MeetingItem object.


See the example for the MeetingItem object's Respond method.