BusyStatus Property (AppointmentItem Object)

The BusyStatus property returns or sets the busy status of this messaging user for this appointment. Read/write.



Data Type



The BusyStatus property can have exactly one of the following values:

BusyStatus value

CdoFree 0 This messaging user has no conflicting commitments during the time span of this appointment.
CdoTentative 1 This messaging user has at least one tentative commitment during the time span of this appointment.
CdoBusy 2 This messaging user has at least one confirmed commitment during the time span of this appointment.
CdoOutOfOffice 3 This messaging user is to be considered out-of-office (OOF) for at least part of the time span of this appointment.

If two or more conflicting commitments are present during the time span of this appointment, the highest applicable decimal value is returned, representing the most committed state. For example, if the user has one tentative commitment and one confirmed commitment during the time span, the BusyStatus property returns CdoBusy, that is, the highest level of commitment.

Microsoft Schedule+ only recognizes busy and not busy for the status of a time slot. If an appointment is viewed through Schedule+ and its BusyStatus property has a value of CdoFree or CdoTentative, the status is treated by Schedule+ as not busy. If BusyStatus is CdoBusy or CdoOutOfOffice, Schedule+ treats the status as busy. If an appointment originates in Schedule+, CDO assigns CdoTentative to the appropriate time slots.

Changes you make to properties on an AppointmentItem object take effect when you call the Send or Update method.