HiddenMessages Property (Folder Object)

The HiddenMessages property returns a Messages collection object of hidden messages in the folder. Read-only.



Data Type

Object (Messages collection)


The messages in the collection returned by the HiddenMessages property are not visible through the Microsoft® Exchange Client, Microsoft® Outlook™, or Microsoft Outlook Web Access (OWA). These hidden messages correspond to the folder associated information (FAI) kept in a folder by MAPI.

Some messaging clients use hidden messages to accomplish special tasks, for example the processing of rules by the Microsoft Exchange Client's Inbox Assistant. You should leave the HiddenMessages collection unchanged unless you are familiar with the consequences of any modifications you might make.

Although the HiddenMessages property itself is read-only, the collection it returns can be accessed in the normal manner through its Add and Delete methods, and the properties on its member Message objects retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.

The HiddenMessages property does not correspond to a MAPI property and cannot be rendered into HTML hypertext by the CDO Rendering Library. It could be rendered as a container object by setting the ContainerRenderer object's DataSource property to the Messages collection object returned by the HiddenMessages property. The individual Message objects in the collection correspond to messages with the MSGFLAG_ASSOCIATED flag of the MAPI property PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS being set.