The Recipients property returns a single Recipient object or a Recipients collection object. Read/write.
Set objRecipColl = objMessage.Recipients
Set objOneRecip = objMessage.Recipients(index)
Object (Recipient or Recipients collection)
You can change individual Recipient objects within the Recipients collection, Add them to the collection, and Delete them from the collection. You can also manipulate the Recipients collection as a whole with a single Microsoft® Visual Basic® instruction. For example, you can copy the complete recipient list of a received message, with all of each recipient's properties, to a reply message:
Set objReplyMsg.Recipients = objReceivedMsg.Recipients
Set objSenderAE = objReceivedMsg.Sender
Set objOrigSender = objReplyMsg.Recipients.Add(objSenderAE.ID)
' then copy important properties from objSenderAE
Note that, unlike the Recipients property, the Attachments property is read-only, so the Attachments collection cannot be copied as a whole. You must deal with attachments in the manner of the following example.
The Recipients property does not correspond to a MAPI property and cannot be rendered into HTML hypertext by the CDO Rendering Library. If a Recipients collection is returned, it could be rendered as a container object by setting the ContainerRenderer object's DataSource property to the Recipients collection object returned by the Recipients property.
This code fragment uses a loop to create a copy of every valid recipient of the original message objOneMsg in the copy message objCopyMsg. For each copied recipient, it also copies important properties from the original. Note how much more code this requires than copying the Recipients property from the original message.
' from the sample function Util_CopyMessage
For i = 1 To objOneMsg.Recipients.Count Step 1
Set objOneRecip = objOneMsg.Recipients.Item(i)
If objOneRecip Is Not Nothing Then
Set objCopyRecip = objCopyMsg.Recipients.Add
If objCopyRecip Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to create recipient in message copy"
Exit Function
End If
' Now copy the most important properties
objCopyRecip.Address = objOneRecip.Address
objCopyRecip.Name = objOneRecip.Name
objCopyRecip.Type = objOneRecip.Type
End If
Next i