CreateConversationIndex Method (Session Object)

The CreateConversationIndex method creates or updates an index for a conversation thread.


newIndex = objSession.CreateConversationIndex( [ParentIndex] )

String. The conversation index to be assigned to the first or next message in the thread.
Required. The Session object.
Optional. String. The conversation index of a received message for which a reply is being generated.


The CreateConversationIndex method takes the current value of a conversation index and returns a new value suitable for an outgoing message. If the message to be sent represents the beginning of a new thread, there is no current index, and the ParentIndex parameter is not passed in. If the outgoing message is a reply to a received message, the ConversationIndex property of the received message is passed in as the ParentIndex parameter.

The CreateConversationIndex method ultimately calls the MAPI ScCreateConversationIndex function.


This code fragment responds to the first message in the Inbox:

Dim objInMsgColl As Messages ' messages in Inbox 
Dim objRecMsg As Message     ' received message 
Dim objNewMsg As Message     ' outgoing reply message 
Dim objRcpColl As Recipients ' recipients for outgoing message 
Dim strSenderID As String    ' unique ID of original sender 
Dim strCnvIndx As String     ' conversation index 
If objSession Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Must first create MAPI session and log on" 
    Exit Function 
End If 
Set objInMsgColl = objSession.Inbox.Messages 
' ... error handling ... 
If objInMsgColl Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Could not successfully access Inbox messages" 
    Exit Function 
End If 
Set objRecMsg = objInMsgColl.GetFirst() 
If objRecMsg Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "No messages in Inbox" 
    Exit Function 
End If 
' make new conversation index from old 
strCnvIndx = objSession.CreateConversationIndex _ 
strSenderID = objRecMsg.Sender.ID ' save sender's unique ID 
Set objNewMsg = objSession.Outbox.Messages.Add ' generate reply 
' ... error handling ... 
Set objRcpColl = objNewMsg.Recipients 
' ... error handling ... 
objRcpColl.Add entryID:=strSenderID ' add sender as recipient 
' ... error handling ... 
With objNewMsg 
    .ConversationIndex = strCnvIndx 
    .ConversationTopic = objRecMsg.ConversationTopic 
    .Subject = "RE: " & objRecMsg.Subject 
    .Text = "Please consider this a reply to your message." 
    .Update' save everything in the MAPI system 
    .Send showDialog:=False 
End With