NoEndDate Property (RecurrencePattern Object)

The NoEndDate property indicates whether the recurrence pattern has an ending date. Read/write.



Data Type



The NoEndDate property contains True if the AppointmentItem object is to recur indefinitely and False if the recurrence has a terminal date. NoEndDate is always valid on a newly created RecurrencePattern object and defaults to True.

Setting the NoEndDate property causes CDO to force certain other recurrence pattern properties into conformance. If NoEndDate is set to True, Occurrences is reset to 1,490,000 and PatternEndDate is reset to the month and day of PatternStartDate in the year 4001. If NoEndDate is set to False, Occurrences is reset to 10 and PatternEndDate is recalculated from PatternStartDate and Occurrences. However, no changes are made if NoEndDate was already False.

CDO imposes a limit of December 31, 3999 on PatternEndDate and 1,489,999 on Occurrences. If either of these properties exceeds its limit, NoEndDate is automatically reset to True, Occurrences is reset to 1,490,000, PatternEndDate is reset to the month and day of PatternStartDate in the year 4001, and the recurrence pattern is considered to extend infinitely far into the future.

Changes you make to properties on a RecurrencePattern object take effect when you call the underlying appointment's Send or Update method.