Creating a New Address Book Entry

You can create new address entries in a collection with the CDO Library version 1.1 and later.

You need permission to Add a new entry to an address book container. Usually you only have this permission for your personal address book (PAB).

For address entries in an address book container, the hierarchy of objects is as follows:

Session object
    AddressLists collection
        AddressList object
            AddressEntries collection
                AddressEntry object
                    Fields collection
                        Field object

The procedure is basically to work down the hierarchy. After a session is established and logged on, you use the Session object's AddressLists property to obtain the AddressLists collection, select the AddressList object corresponding to the desired address book container, and use the address list's AddressEntries property to call the AddressEntries collection's Add method.

If you have not specified all the parameters in the call to the Add method, you can then supply the missing values by setting AddressEntry object properties such as Address, Name, and Type. You can also set MAPI properties and custom properties using the new address entry's Fields property. To create a custom property you call the Fields collection's Add method.

Finally, you commit all the new data to the address book container and to the MAPI system by calling the new address entry's Update method.

This code fragment adds a new entry to a user's PAB. Note the use of early binding and of default properties. The objects are declared using early binding to force matching of object types, and to distinguish a MAPI session from other types of sessions available to a Microsoft® Visual Basic® program through other object libraries. The Item property is the default property of all collections and so does not need to be specifically referenced in the statements selecting items from the AddressLists and Fields collections.

' we assume we have add permission for our PAB 
Function AddEntry() 
Dim objSession As MAPI.Session   ' Session object 
Dim objMyPAB As AddressList      ' personal address book object 
Dim objNewEntry As AddressEntry  ' new address entry object 
Dim propTag As Long              ' MAPI property tag for new field 
On Error GoTo error_olemsg 
Set objSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session") 
' log on to session, supplying username and password 
objSession.Logon 'profileName:="MyProfile", _ 
' get PAB AddressList from AddressLists collection of Session 
Set objMyPAB = objSession.AddressLists("Personal Address Book") 
If objMyPAB Is Nothing Then 
    MsgBox "Invalid PAB from session" 
    Exit Function 
End If 
' add new AddressEntry to AddressEntries collection of AddressList 
Set objNewEntry = objMyPAB.AddressEntries.Add("SMTP", "Jane Doe") 
objNewEntry.Address = "" 
' set MAPI property in new AddressEntry (don't need to Add it) 
objNewEntry.Fields(propTag) = "+1-206-555-9901" 
' add custom property to new AddressEntry and set its value 
objNewEntry.Fields.Add "CellularPhone", vbString 
objNewEntry.Fields("CellularPhone") = "+1-206-555-9902" 
' commit new entry, properties, fields, and values to PAB AddressList 
MsgBox "New address book entry successfully added" 
Exit Function 
MsgBox "Error " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$(Err) 
Exit Function ' so many steps to succeed; just exit on error 
End Function