Searching for a Message

To access a message, you can search for it using one of the following techniques:

Using the Session Object's GetMessage Method

When you know the unique identifier for the message you are looking for, you can call the Session object's GetMessage method.

The message identifier specifies a unique identifier that is created for the Message object at the time it is created. The identifier is accessible through the Message object's ID property.

The following code fragment contains code that saves the identifier for the message, then uses it in a subsequent GetMessage call:

' Function: Session_GetMessage 
' Purpose: Demonstrate how to set a message object using GetMessage 
' See documentation topic: GetMessage method (Session object) 
Function Session_GetMessage() 
    On Error GoTo error_olemsg 
    If objSession Is Nothing Then 
        MsgBox "No active session, must log on" 
        Exit Function 
    End If 
    If strMessageID = "" Then 
        MsgBox ("Must first set Message ID variable; see Message->ID") 
        Exit Function 
    End If 
    Set objOneMsg = objSession.GetMessage(strMessageID) 
    If objOneMsg Is Nothing Then 
        MsgBox "Unable to retrieve message with specified ID" 
        Exit Function 
    End If 
    MsgBox "GetMessage returned msg with subject: " & objOneMsg.Subject 
    Exit Function 
    MsgBox "Error " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$(Err) 
    Set objOneMsg = Nothing 
    MsgBox "Message is no longer available" 
    Exit Function 
End Function 

Using the Get Methods

When you are looking for a message within a Messages collection, you can navigate through the collection, examining properties of each Message object to determine if it is the message you want.

The CDO Library supports the GetFirst, GetNext, GetLast, and GetPrevious methods for the Messages collection object. You can also use the Visual Basic For Each construction to traverse the collection.

Note that, with the CDO Library version 1.1 and later, you can use a MessageFilter object to restrict a search with the Get methods. Obtain the message filter through the Messages collection's Filter property, set the filter's properties to the values desired for the search, and then proceed with the Get methods. Only the messages passing the filter criteria are returned for your inspection. For more information on message filtering, see Filtering Messages in a Folder.

The following sample demonstrates how to use the Get methods to search for the specified message:

' Function: TestDrv_Util_GetMessageByName 
' Purpose: Call the utility function Util_GetMessageByName 
' See documentation topic: Item property (Message object) 
Function TestDrv_Util_GetMessageByName() 
Dim fFound As Boolean 
    On Error GoTo error_olemsg 
    fFound = Util_GetMessageByName("Junk mail") 
    If fFound Then 
        MsgBox "Message named 'Junk mail' found" 
        MsgBox "Message named 'Junk mail' not found" 
    End If 
    Exit Function 
    MsgBox "Error " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$(Err) 
    Resume Next 
End Function 
' Function: Util_GetMessageByName 
' Purpose: Use Get* methods to search for a message 
' See documentation topic:  Searching for a message 
' Search through the messages for one with a specific subject 
Function Util_GetMessageByName(strSearchName As String) As Boolean 
Dim objOneMessage As Message ' local; temp version of message object 
    On Error GoTo error_olemsg 
    Util_GetMessageByName = False ' default; assume failure 
    If objFolder Is Nothing Then 
        MsgBox "Must first select a folder such as Session->Inbox" 
        Exit Function 
    End If 
    Set objMessages = objFolder.Messages 
    Set objOneMessage = objMessages.GetFirst 
    If objOneMessage Is Nothing Then 
        MsgBox "No messages in the folder" 
        Exit Function 
    End If 
    ' loop through all the messages in the collection 
    Do While Not objOneMessage Is Nothing 
        If objOneMessage.Subject = strSearchName Then 
            Exit Do ' found it, leave the loop 
        Else ' keep searching 
            Set objOneMessage = objMessages.GetNext 
        End If 
    ' exit from the Do While loop comes here 
    ' if objOneMessage is valid, the message was found 
    If Not objOneMessage Is Nothing Then 
        Util_GetMessageByName = True ' success 
    End If 
    Exit Function 
    MsgBox "Error " & Str(Err) & ": " & Error$(Err) 
    Resume Next 
End Function 

See Also

Searching for a Folder