CellPattern Property (ContainerRenderer Object)

The CellPattern property returns or sets a rendering source that determines how every cell in every table row is rendered. Read/write.



Data Type



The text to be rendered in each cell is taken directly from the property associated with that cell's column. The contents of the CellPattern property specify the rendering for all cells in all rows except for the heading row. The rendering for the heading row cells is specified in the HeadingCellPattern property.

The rendering of the table cells can be thought of as being nested. At the outermost level is the cell definition, which encloses the rendering specified by the CellPattern property:

<TD WIDTH=[determined by CDO]> [CellPattern] </TD> 

The inner nesting level is controlled by CellPattern, which provides an opening font tag for the rendering returned by either the Column object's RenderUsing property or the Pattern object's RenderUsing property.

The default setting of the CellPattern property is

<FONT COLOR=000000 SIZE=2>