Example Item Script


    Set MC   = Server.CreateObject("MobileChannels.Utilities")
    URL      = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
    DataID   = Request.QueryString("DATAID")
    Pieces   = Split(URL,"/")
    ChanID   = Pieces(2)

' Get logo and title of channel
    TopElem = MC.Locate(ChanID)
    ChanTitle = ""
    LogoHref = 0
    If TopElem Then
        ChanTitle = MC.Title(TopElem)
        LogoElem = TopElem
        LogoElem = MC.Navigate(LogoElem,"INMATCH","LOGO")
    Do While LogoElem
        LogoStyleElem = MC.Navigate(LogoElem,"INMATCH","STYLE")
            If LogoStyleElem Then
                If StrComp(MC.Value(LogoStyleElem),"IMAGE",1) = 0 Then
                    LogoHref = MC.Href(LogoElem)
                        If LogoHref Then
                            If MC.HrefExists(LogoHref) Then
                                Exit Do
                                LogoHref = 0
                            End If
                        End If
                End If
            End If
        LogoElem = MC.Navigate(LogoElem,"NEXT")
        If LogoElem Then
            LogoElem = MC.Navigate(LogoElem,"MATCH","LOGO")
        End If
    End If

    Response.Write("<head><title>" & ChanTitle & "</title></head>")
    If LogoHref Then
        Response.Write("<body><a href=mctp://" & ChanID & ">
            <img src=" & LogoHref & "></a><br>&nbsp;<br>")
    ElseIf ChanTitle And Len(ChanTitle) Then
        Response.Write("<body><a href=mctp://" & ChanID & ">
            <h3>" & ChanTitle & "</h3></a>")
    End If

' Dump article out best we can
    ArtElem = 0
    If DataID Then
            ArtElem = MC.Locate(DataID)
    End If
    If ArtElem Then
    For Blk=0 To 100
        Data = MC.Data(ArtElem,Blk)
        If Not Data.Count Then
            Exit For
        End If
    For Field=0 To Data.Count - 1
        Tag = Data(Field).Tag
        Val = Data(Field).Value
        Type = Data(Field).Type
        If Val And Len(Val) Then
            If (StrComp(Type,"Html",1) = 0) Or (StrComp(Type,"Text",1)
                 =  0) Then
' Output text in standard html
                If Tag And Len(Tag) Then
                    Response.Write("<b>" & Tag & ": </b>")
                End If
                Response.Write(Val & "<br>")
            ElseIf StrComp(Type,"Img",1) = 0 Then
' Try to create an image
                ImgElem = MC.Locate(Val)
                    If ImgElem Then
                        ImgHref = MC.Href(ImgElem)
                        If ImgHref Then
                            Response.Write("<img src=" & ImgHref 
                                & "><br>")
                        End If
                    End If
            ElseIf StrComp(Type,"Href",1) = 0 Then
' Write an href
            Response.Write("<a href=" & Val & ">" & Tag & "</a><br>")
            End If
        End If
    End If

<b>Note:</b> This page was automatically generated because the correct
scripts could not be found.  If this problem persists after synchronization,
please contact the content provider.