The CAB Wizard creates a Windows CE-specific .cab file using the Win32 Setup information (.inf) file, an optional Setup.dll file created by an independent software vendor (ISV), and the application files.
The command-line syntax for CAB Wizard is:
cabwiz.exe "inf-file" [/dest dest-directory] [/err error-file] [/cpu cpu-type [cpu-type]]
Note The /cpu parameter, followed by multiple CPU values, must be the last qualifier in the command line.
The Windows CE SDK files that must be installed in the same directory on the desktop computer are: Cabwiz.exe, Makecab.exe, and Cabwiz.ddf. Cabwiz.exe must be called with its full path in order to run correctly.
The following command line example creates .cab files for the SH3 and MIPS chips, assuming that the Win32 setup .inf file contains the SH3 and MIPS tags:
cabwiz.exe "c:\myfile.inf" /err myfile.err /cpu sh3 mips