
The CommandBar_DrawMenuBar function repositions and redraws the command bar after a menu in the command bar has been modified.


BOOL CommandBar_DrawMenuBar(HWND hwndCB, int iButton);

At a Glance

Header file: Commctrl.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later


The command bar's window handle. This handle is returned by the CommandBar_Create function when the command bar is created.
Zero-based index of the menu bar within the command bar.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.


You must always call CommandBar_DrawMenuBar after you modify a menu in a command bar. Do not call DrawMenuBar.

Note An application should not use 0xFFFFFFFF as the command identifier of a button or separator in the command bar. This identifier is reserved for the command bar's use.

See Also

CommandBar_Create, CommandBar_GetMenu