
The TransportProps function is used to add or modify information for the user's mail service properties. TransportProps is not required to be implemented and can simply return TRUE. Note that a user interface is required to display the information.


BOOL TransportProps(HWND hwndParent, LPWSTR szCommonKey, LPWSTR szTransportKey,);

At a Glance

Header file: Smtp.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later


Handle to the parent window.
Top-level registry key. For Inbox, this is the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\PMail\ServiceInfo key.
Transport registry key. This is the key that is associated with the user's unique mail service. For the sample transport service, this is the HkEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\PMail\ServiceInfo\MyMail key.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the mail properties were successfully updated; returns FALSE otherwise.


The TransportProps function must be implemented by the transport service provider in a DLL registered as a mail service. The Inbox application can load this DLL and call this function.

For example, under the ServiceInfo key (that is the key defined identfied by the parameter szCommonKey), a key named SAMPLE could exist. This registry key contains values that represent information such as the user's settings and preferences. As part of this routine, such preferences as saving the user's password can be set in the registry.