
The Load_PegCpuType function retrieves a character string containing the name of the CPU type.


BOOL Load_PegCpuType(LPSTR lpszCpu);

At a Glance

Header file: Ppcload.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and 1.01


Upon successful completion of the function, this parameter points to a string containing the type of CPU running the device.

The valid types pointed to by lpszCpu include the following.
CPU Type String Returned
Hitachi SH3 SH3

Return Values

This function returns TRUE if the CPU type was retrieved successfully, or FALSE if an error occurred during the retrieval, or an unknown CPU type was found.


The Load_PegCpuType function retrieves the CPU type of the last device to connect to the H/PC Explorer program. For Load_PegCpuType to return successfully, H/PC Explorer must have previously connected to the device at least once. Load_PegCpuType does not distinguish between MIPS R3910 and R4100 chips — it returns R4000 for both. Use Load_PegGetPlatform if this distinction is important.

If the desktop PC is being used with more than one device, you must run Load_Init first. Otherwise Load_PegCpuType will return information about the last device to be connected, not the current one.

Load_PegCpuType is exported by Ppcload.dll, which runs on the desktop PC—it is intended to be called from a setup program.

This function is not supported on Windows CE version 2.0. For more information on installing applications for version 2.0, see Installing Applications.