IReplNotify : IUnknown

An ActiveSync service manager implements this interface that can be used by an ActiveSync service provider to notify the ActiveSync service manager of certain events taking place in the ActiveSync service provider's store.

At a Glance

Header file: Cesync.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 2.0 and later

IReplNotify methods Description
IReplNotify::GetWindow Gets the handle of the current active window to be used as the parent of modal dialog or message boxes.
IReplNotify::OnItemCompleted Used internally by the ActiveSync service manager. An ActiveSync service provider should not call this explicitly.
IReplNotify::OnItemNotify Notifies the ActiveSync service manager that an item has been created or deleted or modified.
IReplNotify::QueryDevice Used to ask for information about a device.
IReplNotify::SetStatusText Sets the status text on the ActiveSync service manager.
IUnknown::AddRef Increments reference count.
IUnknown::QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
IUnknown::Release Decrements reference count.


The IReplNotify : IUnknown interface is implemented and exposed by the ActiveSync service manager. If the store is capable of detecting changes and deletions to the objects as they occur, an ActiveSync service provider should use the interface to notify the ActiveSync service manager of these changes and deletions. This is more efficient than enumerating the changes and comparing time stamps.