IDccMan : IUnknown

The IDccMan interface is implemented by the Windows CE connection manager. It allows an application some control of the connection manager and the ability to register for connection notifications. An application creates this interface by calling the COM CoCreateInstance function using the CLSID_DccMan GUID, and receiving a pointer to an IDccMan interface.

At a Glance

Header file: Dccole.h
Platforms: H/PC
Windows CE versions: 1.0 and later

Methods Description
IDccMan::Advise Registers the client for notifications.
IDccMan::AutoconnectDisable Not implemented.
IDccMan::AutoconnectEnable Not implemented.
IDccMan::ConnectNow Not implemented.
IDccMan::DisconnectNow Not implemented.
IDccMan::SetIconDataTransferring Not implemented.
IDccMan::SetIconError Not implemented.
IDccMan::SetIconNoDataTransferring Not implemented.
IDccMan::ShowCommSettings Displays the communications settings dialog box.
IDccMan::Unadvise Unregisters the client.


The IDccManSink::OnLog* methods should return a value of NOERROR.

The IDccMan interface methods typically return a value of NOERROR if the method succeeds. If the method fails, it returns an HRESULT Win32 error code (using the HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 macro). The application can display the error by using the Win32 FormatMessage function to create the error string. For more information about message tables, see the Win32 Programmer's Reference.

For more information, see Receiving Connection Notification.